7 Types of Self-Care You Need to Know

Self-care is about being as kind to yourself as you would be to others. It’s partly about knowing when your resources are running low, and stepping back to replenish them rather than letting them all drain away.

7 types of self-care are easy to practice.

PhysicalSelf Care 

Physical self-care is as much about the things you don’t do as the things you do!

-Nap when you need to.

-Don’t push yourself to do your exercise routine when you’re run down or unwell.

-Commit to 7-9 hours of sleep per night, barring exceptional circumstances.

Spiritual Self Care

Spiritual self-care is about getting in touch with your values and what really matters to you.

-Attend a service, whether it is religious or humanistic.

-Walk in nature and reflecting on the beauty around you.

-Make a daily list of 5-10 things that make you feel grateful.

Social Self Care

Social self-care isn’t about just doing things with others for the sake of it, but about choosing to do things with people who really make you feel good.

-Make a date to have lunch or dinner with a great friend.

– Detox from social media a few days.

-Stop socializing with those who undermine or disempower you.

-Strike up a conversation with someone interesting.

Sensory Self Care 

When you think about practising sensory self-care, consider all of your senses: touch, smell, sound, and sight.

-Going to the countryside and focusing on the smell of the air.

-Feeling the water on your skin during a hot bath or shower.

-Focusing on the movements of your own breathing.

Mental Self Care

Mental care is giving time out from your mental exhaustion.

-Take a break from your work, studies and plan a trip to refresh your mind.

-Take time out for yourself every day to things that you enjoy doing.

Emotional Self Care

When it comes to your emotional health, one of the best self-care tips is to make sure you fully engage with your emotions.

-Keep a daily journal.

-See a therapist.

-Make time to be with a friend or family member who truly understands you.

Creative Thinking

We usually put ourselves in pressure to think creatively, to produce new ideas, thus we shall take a time out from our creative thinking too.

Hope you will try these simple self-care activities in your lifestyle and reduce the stress and anxiety level. If you need help then BetterLYF online counselling got your back. 

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