How To Deal With Depression After a Breakup?

Breakup is usually followed by negative feelings which include fear, isolation, regret, and grief. If precaution is not taken, all these factors blended lead to depression. A mental health issue that gives a constant feeling of low mood and a loss of interest in activities. When someone is in depression he/she lost faith in the future.  

Breakup depression is the second most common factor that causes intolerable pain like death. When a couple thinks of how they would part ways and live separately, it creates a mental health problem.

The thought of living someone whom you have given the better part of your lives together becomes unendurable. When these thoughts come along in one’s mind, depression starts being a life-threatening state.

There might be some people who think that depression after a breakup is not a real deal but it is. Here are some best things an individual can do to overcome depression. 

Deal Any Negative Thoughts And Emotions.

While alone and flooded with a million thoughts like where did it all go wrong? Why can’t you both work it out? And how is this even happening? It’s completely normal to question the motives behind your break-up.

The best thing you can do by not allow the negative emotions to take a toll on your personality and do all you could to defeat such opinions. Do things that make you happy and keep the mind busy, Don’t think about staying indoors alone the whole day and night long. 

Restoring Life Matters.

After a breakup, managing the lifestyle little bit more difficult task to do. Many people choose to stay in isolation and for a small period of time it is good but the refreshment is needed. Go shopping with your old friends. Have fun with them in every moment. With passing time you will be strong and able to maintain your life balance. 

Have A Social Interaction.

Somebody with depressive signs reports more common negative social communications and react more firmly to them. It is important for a depressed person to meet with people with the same mind so he/she can feel better. When anyone finds himself in the stressed full situation then it is always ideal to meet with family and friends that will help you in your healing process from a bad breakup.

You may not find comfort sharing your pain every other person, but there will be a trusted friend or a family person whom you are free to share your private life within a limit and they can help you get yourself up.

Therapy Sessions Can Help.

As per BetterLYF online counselling service provider, therapy sessions are highly valuable and helps to heal mental illness. Depression is a type of mental disorder that can make the body get fatigued, and emotions run high-low. To get through this ordeal, it’s necessary to talk to a therapist or a counselor who will give emotional advice to take life positively and help relieve emotional thoughts.

Hope these points help you in any way. If you or your loved ones need help then don’t hesitate for asking help. Go for depression counseling

Skills That Will Boost Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence and self-esteem essential things in one’s life to achieve success. If you are the one who is having issues in developing confidence then you should work on this. This article will help to boost your self-worth and self-confidence. Check em out – 

1. Personal grooming

Take a shower everyday. A necessary for a well-groomed appearance is cleanliness. It helps in enhancing the self-confidence and self-image of an individuals personality.

2. Wear perfectly

Never wear anything just because you think you should. Try to dress correctly and you will feel good about yourself. Be distinct from others for scanning and presentable.

3. Change your Self-image

Your self-image is the main source of confidence. No matter what you think about yourself but one thing that could be done that you can change the mental picture of yourself. Be nice to yourself. If you think that you are not good then find the reason behind that and start working on that to build the best self-image. 

4. Positive thinking

What you think about the situation or what is your thought process about your life is the main thing. A positive thought can help you in many ways and when you remove all the negativity from your life you will achieve great success and progress. Do work on your way the things you see. See positive things. 

5. Remove Negativity From Your Life.

No matter what you do, Do one thing stay away from negative energy. Look around you and throw negative things that distract you from your goals. Replace them with positive energy. 

6. Understand yourself

You can help someone when you know about them and their problem, the same as you. When you’re trying to defeat a negative self-image and want to replace it with self-confidence, then you should know yourself very well. The best thing you can do i.e. diary writing. It will help you keep the notes about yourself and you can understand better yourself. 

7. Positive Action

The combination of positive thinking and positive action will help you get success. So start acting in a positive way and you be the witness of amazing changes in your personalities. 

8. Do exercise

Exercise could be one of the most empowering activities for those who are having a problem in gaining confidence. Exercise will help you feel better about yourself.

9. Empower yourself

If you really want to build your self-confidence then you should empower yourself with knowledge. Knowledge will help you build confidence. 

10. Be an active person. Do something every time. Don’t hold yourself. Be active by doing something new you, maybe you fail but the important thing that you will learn. 

11. Complete small goals

By completing small goals will make you feel happy and good. People often took big goals and get failed miserably that crushed their confidence. So start working on a small task or break a big task into small chunks and complete them. This will enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem. 

12. Be good and helpful with others. 

Be confidence not overconfident admire people their success and work. Help others when you can. Start making good relationship with others. If failed in a relationship or had a recent break up then don’t show off your pain or put bad words for your ex. Be a gentleman and soon you start to feel good about yourself. 

Hope these skills will boost your self-confidence. If you need some extra help then you can look for the online counselling and online therapy services. Click here to know how to overcome inferiority complex

How To Deal With Stress?

Stress and anxiety now become very common in human life and every person has it at some level. In fact, 70% of grown-ups in the USA say they feel stress or anxiety every day. Here are some most common ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Scroll down to read. 


Regular exercise reduces your body’s stress hormones like as cortisol in the long run. Exercise also helps discharge endorphins, which are substances that improve your mood and act as general painkillers. People who exercise frequently are limited likely to encounter anxiety than those who don’t exercise. 

Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a drug found in coffee, tea and energy juices. High doses can develop anxiety. People have diverse origins for how much caffeine they can endure. If you notice that caffeine delivers you jittery or troubled, think cutting back. 

Write it down

Keeping a diary can help relieve tension and anxiety, primarily if you focus on the positive. With the help of the diary, you can focus your positive thoughts. 

Spend time with family and friends

Stress can be handled in the best way with the help of social support like friends and family support. Being part of a friend system gives you a feeling of belonging and self-worth, which can help you in difficult times.

Laugh more Often

It’s hard to feel uneasy when you’re smiling. It’s good for your well-being. Laughing helps you relax your muscles and stress response. Wath funny TV show and hang out with your friends can crack funny jokes. 

Learn to say no

Take command over the elements of your life that you can develop and are prompting your stress. Try to avoid taking the workload that you can’t handle to control your stressors. Start practising say no.

Practice mindfulness 

Practice mindfulness that will helps tie you to the present moment and you can live happily. With the help mindfulness, you can avoid stressor like negative thinking. 

Hope all these pro tips help you deal with stress and anxiety at a certain level. If you need support then don’t hesitate to ask for it. Go for stress and anxiety counseling

Best Marriage Quotes

Marriage is a beautiful journey that is full of love, adventures, and incredible memories. Marriage quotes highlight the love that exists a strong marriage together. The following marriage proposal quotes are as important as they are inspirational.

Scroll Down to explorer more about the marriage quotes.

Marriage Quotes 1

“In terms of my marriage, you know, falling in love with my husband was by far the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

– Caroline Kennedy

“My husband has made me laugh. Wiped my tears. Hugged me tight. Watched me succeed. Seen me fail. Kept me strong. My husband is a promise that I will have a friend forever.”

– Unknown
Marriage Quotes 2

“A husband and wife may disagree on many things but they must absolutely agree on this: to never, ever give up.”

– Unknown

“There is no such cozy combination as man and wife.”

– Menander
Marriage Quotes 3

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

– Mignon McLaughlin

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

– Dave Meurer
Marriage Quotes 4

“Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.”

– Boris Pasternak
Marriage Quotes 5

“Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.”

– Barbara De Angelis

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche
Marriage Quotes 6

“A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.”

– Unknown

“To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to be loved by the person you love is everything.”

– Unknown
Marriage Quotes 7

“Marriage is the most natural state of man, and the state in which you will find solid happiness.”

– Benjamin Frank
Hope you like these beautiful Marriage quotes.

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  2. marriage quotes
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10 Marriage & Couples Tips To Get Your Relationship Back on Track

No matter how carefully we try to execute everything accurately, our relationships break sometimes. As individuals, we are complicated people with a broad well of passions and sensations that drive us and propel us moving the future. Many couples got themselves in a bad situation where they are not able to save there relationship and have to face a break up, but in the very beginning if they start focusing on the things that causing these problems may never have occurred to them. Here are some best tips to save your marriage or your relationship. 

1. Accountability

If your goal is to have a satisfying marriage with longevity and without the need for marriage counselling, make sure you are accountable for the part you play in the relationship good or bad.

2. Intimacy 

As per the research, it shows that touching more creates a stronger bond with your spouse by releasing oxytocin. Doing this often may help you build trust and love.

3. Understanding 

You must learn how to agree to disagree in a relationship. This helps you to make your stand in a relationship and solving a problem.

4. Thoughtfulness 

Being thoughtful is helpful for any couple. You don’t need to buy expensive gifts, it’s about the thought that goes into something.

5. Adaptability 

You and your partner both are identical and don’t try to change your spouse for your needs. You may think that the problems you have with your spouse can be solved if he/she changes. Talk it out or go for relationship counselling to help your marriage. 

6. Identify Symptoms

Maybe you are not a good analyst but you can see problems like boredom in house, small conversations, missing some sparks. Find the symptoms and work on them otherwise you need to learn to move on after a breakup and that’s not you want to.

7. Listening 

Try to remember your past, see your action are you a good listener or just enjoy arguing with your spouse? So now stop dropping the shaming, blaming comments and listen to your partner without interrupting. 

8. Responsibility 

Taking responsibility will make you a big man. It’s good if you start taking responsibility in your arguments and help your partner to see through it. 

9. Pleasure 

Ask a question to yourself, Are you creating more pleasurable interactions in your marriage? or Are you making it painful for your spouse? Maybe you can get answers from your inner voice. 

10. Ownership 

Never begin a sentence with the word “you.” You both are the partner and blaming will not help you. So be gentle and true with each other. 

Use these tips to save your relationship and marriage. If you still face the problem then you can go for marriage counselling or relationship counselling. They will provide a space to share your feelings to identify the problem in your relationship and try to address the root cause. There is various platform that provides online counselling. An online psychologist or a counsellor will help you strengthens your marriage, improve your communication and teach you how to support each other lovingly. 

Can Grief Counseling Really Help?

Before we get into this topic you need to know about grief what is grief? Grief is a simple reply to disaster or death. It’s the emotional pain you feel when something or someone you love is taken away from you. Now coming back to your question Can grief counseling really help? and the answer is maybe or maybe not both, Grief counseling can be a powerful idea. Yet, it won’t solve every difficulty you ever had. Although your time in grief counseling may have far-reaching effects, there are certain things you should never consider before taking this help.

Grief counseling won’t make you completely forget the dead also won’t allow you to avoid the pain of death. Counseling will not erase the trouble of moving on but it helps you to deal with a loss, that you have in the recent past. Grief counselors study the stages of grief cycles of grief and you will learn techniques for helping people accomplish the tasks of pain. 

Here are some key points that explain how grief counselling can help you

1. Grief counselor helps you process the thoughts and help you deal with the pain of loss.

2. When a person is grieving he lost his sleep, appetite, and start having panic attacks then counselor helps him with their coping mechanism and tactics to overcome these symptoms. 

3. Grief counselor helps a grieving person to overcome the worthlessness feeling by redirecting the thoughts from bad memory to a good one. Help him show the path to future opportunities. 

4. Stages of grief, Counselor helps a grieving person to complete their grief cycle so that he can move on with his life and live the normal life as he was living.

Grief can be discussed in individual counseling, group therapy, or family grief therapy depends upon which type of pain you are dealing with. In the end, We suggest you go for grief counseling and get help with your pain.

Read more about grief counseling here.

Top Ways To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Modern lifestyle is not so easy as it was. Today the life runs faster in comparison to previous lifestyles. In between this catch and run stress and anxiety make you feel sick. Now stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. Stress makes people life difficult and to deal with it they work on everything as they can but results are not up to the mark. If you are living a hectic life and stress is kind of your regular life partner and you are looking for the ways to relieve stress and anxiety then you should read this.

Ways To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

1. Do regular exercise.

2. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake, It will really help.

3. Write the cause that is troubling you, so write it down.

4. Make a habit of chew gum

5. Spend Time With friends and family. 

6. Laugh as much as you can.

7. Learn to say no.

8. Learn to avoid procrastination. 

9. Join Yoga class.

10. Preparation of Mindfulness.

11. Cuddle can help. 

12. Listen to music that makes you relief. 

13. Practice deep breathing.

14. Spend time with your pet.

Hope these are the top ways that will help you to cope with stress and anxiety. If you need stress counselling then you should consider online stress counselling

Eccentric Habits of People Who Are Smarter Than Everyone Else

Being intelligent is important and a basic need to sustain among the people and competition. But being smarter than everyone else is now one of your modest necessities these days. As we moving in new and modern society, people are forgetting having sympathy and caring nature towards others, In general words, people are becoming heartless. Thus to survive, Socially intelligent is very important.

Here are the best eccentric habits of people who are smarter than everyone else check em out.

Listen more Speak Less

This is the basic rule that everyone should know. You will not feel regret about learning it. “Listen More Speak Less”. People often feel embarrassed and regret later because of some words they just speak without thinking for a minute. 

You just look past how many times you have felt embarrassed because of some statements you just say without taking a minute to consider it.

Listening helps you gain information and belive me remaining silent in some situation will turn the worst things in your favour. 

Approach every interaction

Men depend on other people every time from birth to his burial.

Personal relationship increases with mingling among people and it helps you in various ways. 

When you are engaging with someone then remember that you are not just introducing yourself only, you are introducing your history, your family friends, your group and most importantly your workplace.

Mixing up helps to recognise each other’s value and increase helping nature among each other that’s why addressing every interaction is very valuable and helpful.

Learning To Give For The Sake Of Giving

Everyone taught that it is better to give than to receive and there are many generous people around us who have the purpose of giving and serving to humanity in their limited resources. But unfortunate these numbers are very low and disappearing. Now people actually give because they are expecting something else in return like more expensive or valuable. The rule is here is simple “Give for the sake of giving” don’t show off your giving or any good deed.

Share Network and Grow Together

A network of people can carry a broad variety of backgrounds offering a broad range of prospects and knowledge. Sharing your network with others enables you to help them they help you, By doing this both of you will get the benefit of it. When you need a recommendation some on else’s network will be there for your help.

Hope these ways can help you to be smarter than everyone else. If you need assistance then you can contact wellness Coach online. 

An Over View Of Self-Compassion

Self-compassion means entertaining yourself with empathy and being kind to yourself without probing or judging your slips which allows you to have a more practical view of your situation.

Self-compassion enables you to open up a space to get to know yourself, care for yourself and also everything that happens to you. 

The Importance of Self-Compassion 

Self-compassion is a strong option to the constant pursuit of self-esteem and doesn’t require that you struggle with or be better than anyone else. For life satisfaction and motivation, beautiful relationships and physical health, and less stress and depression self-compassion necessary. 

The benefits of self-compassion

High expectations when you got form the work you are doing when you failed more discomfort you will fell. This is because of the perfectionism you wants from yourself. But being self-compassion can help you to deal and overcome this negative feeling. Here are some main benefits of self-compassion.

  • Self-compassion can help you find a balance the feeling you got after the things not turn as you want. The feelings of guilt and judgment can be handled like a pro. 
  • A person who practices the self-compassion can achieve a greater perspective of their problems and carry a lower level of anxiety
  • Negative thoughts can stop a person’s progress but with the Self-compassion, an individual handles negative thoughts better with the addition of emotional control. 

The pursuit of self-compassion enables us to handle life problems with a sense that we are on our own company and part of a bigger team. We can have a passion for our natural value while directing the things we seek to change. If you need help to achieve self-compassion then you can visit the BetterLYF emotional wellness coach.

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