How To Deal With Stress?

Stress and anxiety now become very common in human life and every person has it at some level. In fact, 70% of grown-ups in the USA say they feel stress or anxiety every day. Here are some most common ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Scroll down to read. 


Regular exercise reduces your body’s stress hormones like as cortisol in the long run. Exercise also helps discharge endorphins, which are substances that improve your mood and act as general painkillers. People who exercise frequently are limited likely to encounter anxiety than those who don’t exercise. 

Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a drug found in coffee, tea and energy juices. High doses can develop anxiety. People have diverse origins for how much caffeine they can endure. If you notice that caffeine delivers you jittery or troubled, think cutting back. 

Write it down

Keeping a diary can help relieve tension and anxiety, primarily if you focus on the positive. With the help of the diary, you can focus your positive thoughts. 

Spend time with family and friends

Stress can be handled in the best way with the help of social support like friends and family support. Being part of a friend system gives you a feeling of belonging and self-worth, which can help you in difficult times.

Laugh more Often

It’s hard to feel uneasy when you’re smiling. It’s good for your well-being. Laughing helps you relax your muscles and stress response. Wath funny TV show and hang out with your friends can crack funny jokes. 

Learn to say no

Take command over the elements of your life that you can develop and are prompting your stress. Try to avoid taking the workload that you can’t handle to control your stressors. Start practising say no.

Practice mindfulness 

Practice mindfulness that will helps tie you to the present moment and you can live happily. With the help mindfulness, you can avoid stressor like negative thinking. 

Hope all these pro tips help you deal with stress and anxiety at a certain level. If you need support then don’t hesitate to ask for it. Go for stress and anxiety counseling

Top Ways To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Modern lifestyle is not so easy as it was. Today the life runs faster in comparison to previous lifestyles. In between this catch and run stress and anxiety make you feel sick. Now stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. Stress makes people life difficult and to deal with it they work on everything as they can but results are not up to the mark. If you are living a hectic life and stress is kind of your regular life partner and you are looking for the ways to relieve stress and anxiety then you should read this.

Ways To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

1. Do regular exercise.

2. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake, It will really help.

3. Write the cause that is troubling you, so write it down.

4. Make a habit of chew gum

5. Spend Time With friends and family. 

6. Laugh as much as you can.

7. Learn to say no.

8. Learn to avoid procrastination. 

9. Join Yoga class.

10. Preparation of Mindfulness.

11. Cuddle can help. 

12. Listen to music that makes you relief. 

13. Practice deep breathing.

14. Spend time with your pet.

Hope these are the top ways that will help you to cope with stress and anxiety. If you need stress counselling then you should consider online stress counselling

7 Types of Self-Care You Need to Know

Self-care is about being as kind to yourself as you would be to others. It’s partly about knowing when your resources are running low, and stepping back to replenish them rather than letting them all drain away.

7 types of self-care are easy to practice.

PhysicalSelf Care 

Physical self-care is as much about the things you don’t do as the things you do!

-Nap when you need to.

-Don’t push yourself to do your exercise routine when you’re run down or unwell.

-Commit to 7-9 hours of sleep per night, barring exceptional circumstances.

Spiritual Self Care

Spiritual self-care is about getting in touch with your values and what really matters to you.

-Attend a service, whether it is religious or humanistic.

-Walk in nature and reflecting on the beauty around you.

-Make a daily list of 5-10 things that make you feel grateful.

Social Self Care

Social self-care isn’t about just doing things with others for the sake of it, but about choosing to do things with people who really make you feel good.

-Make a date to have lunch or dinner with a great friend.

– Detox from social media a few days.

-Stop socializing with those who undermine or disempower you.

-Strike up a conversation with someone interesting.

Sensory Self Care 

When you think about practising sensory self-care, consider all of your senses: touch, smell, sound, and sight.

-Going to the countryside and focusing on the smell of the air.

-Feeling the water on your skin during a hot bath or shower.

-Focusing on the movements of your own breathing.

Mental Self Care

Mental care is giving time out from your mental exhaustion.

-Take a break from your work, studies and plan a trip to refresh your mind.

-Take time out for yourself every day to things that you enjoy doing.

Emotional Self Care

When it comes to your emotional health, one of the best self-care tips is to make sure you fully engage with your emotions.

-Keep a daily journal.

-See a therapist.

-Make time to be with a friend or family member who truly understands you.

Creative Thinking

We usually put ourselves in pressure to think creatively, to produce new ideas, thus we shall take a time out from our creative thinking too.

Hope you will try these simple self-care activities in your lifestyle and reduce the stress and anxiety level. If you need help then BetterLYF online counselling got your back. 

Grudge- Let it Go But HOW?

Grudge a type of strong feeling of anger or dislike for a person who you feel has handled you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time. People find it confusing about holding a grudge, they are not clear about it. Often we hold onto our grudges angrily, while wishing we could leave them and live freshly and peacefully in the present. To release and let go of the heavy, negative baggage a person needs to be emotionally and mentally strong. Here are some reasons why a person holds a grudge against an individual. 

1. You feel you have been used by him and not given things name you wants or you deserved. 

2. You are not able to close the fear of losing your identity and you always try to protect them from others.

3. You hold a grudge to show someone how badly they hurt you by their actions 

4. The revenge you wants from someone who has oppressed you.

6. The anger you hold for someone and not able to let it go. 

Professional suggests that holding grudges do not make you feel better, empowered, or successful, It will lead you a dark path. You will always feel being wronged, a victim, taken advantage of, weak, etc. These negative feelings will hold you back from achieving closure and peace. Here are something you can do to let go of these negative feeling of grudge.

1. Acknowledge what has happened

To keep peace in your life first thing you can do about the grudge acknowledge it. If you have a grudge on someone, you might find yourself fussing over all of the dirt or plain mean choices they made in the condition. But more often than not, no one person is total to blame. It’s your actions and inner thoughts. Recognizing that you may have involved or played a part like very little.

2. Accept what has happened

We suffer a lot because we failed to accept what happened to us. As soon as you accept the situation you will move towards wellness. 

3. Allow Yourself To Heal

If you are having troubles in forgiving a person and moving on then you should think about for wellbeing, not that person who is responsible for this toxic and hurts feelings. Take time to process these feelings and heal yourself. 

4. Release Negative Feelings

Grudge a negative feeling can hit you deeply and you have a hard time moving on, But you can replace these negative feeling by positive vibes. Try to surround yourself with peoples who help you feel like your best self. 

5. Forgiveness 

It’s hard to forgive a person who doesn’t deserve it but you’re choosing to let go for your own well-being and happiness. 

It can be hard very hard to let go grudges when you know that other person’s actions can not justify. But grudge can be harmful to your health. So try these ways and if you need help then you can go for the professional help as a counsellor. Online counselling and an online psychologist can be the best option for you. 

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